Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blog 837: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

The 10 year old I babysit for asked me lots of questions the other day about his math homework. I pretend to know the answers, while texting Evan to google the REAL answers. So just a brief Math Lesson for all of you out there who feel belittled by knowing less than a 10 year old (cough, cough, ME, cough):
-Pentagon has 5 sides
-Hexagon has 6 sides
-Heptagon has 7 side
-Octagon has 8 sides
-Nonagon has 9 sides
-Decagon has 10.

And I could have sworn there was a "Sexagon" but apparently that does not exist and I am just a perve.

Don't judge me.

1 comment:

  1. *Note to self: When tutoring 10 year olds come here for reference...* Ok, got it, thanks, Stephanie! Don't worry, I didn't know most of those either.
